Blog Post

Five years ago, I began my journey to the priesthood. During that time, I was blessed with the financial independence to move from my corporate career in the broadcast media industry and begin attending seminary full-time. Unfortunately, not all clergy are able to have that same experience. Most must keep their jobs and sometimes pick up second jobs to help pay for their education. Even after ordination to the priesthood, some priests must work a second job to help pay for their tuition debt and at times for liturgical items at the local parish or mission.

The Fr. Dustin Hall Fund for Anglican Religious Education is designed for clergy, ordinands, and lay leaders who desire to serve in the Anglican tradition. The Fund for Anglican Religious Education advocates excellence and diversity in pastoral and theological studies for clergy, ordinands to Holy Orders, and lay leaders who would like to continue their religious studies. 

Through the fund, you support leaders working with Anglican Churches in the Diocese of Quincy. Your dollars go only to projects that have been desired, developed, and designed by the advisors of the Fund.

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