Ralls County Endowment Fund

Ralls County Endowment Fund

The Ralls County Endowment Fund, held at the Community Foundation, will serve as a permanent source of support for local needs and opportunities. 

Connie Ketsenburg, member of the Ralls County Fund Council, explained, “We've assembled a dedicated fund council comprised of Ralls County residents. Our goal is to raise $15,000 and in return the Community Foundation will generously match this amount. This match will root the Fund as a lasting resource that will continue to support Ralls County for generations to come.”

Once the fundraising goal is met, the Ralls County Endowment Fund will benefit local charitable and public projects, programs, and organizations. As an endowment, it will continue to grow and generate new funds in perpetuity. Each year, the fund council will make recommendations for grants from the fund to strengthen communities within Ralls County.

In addition to Ketsenburg, the fund council also includes Allie Bennett, Daren Dowell, and Lynn Hodges. The fund council is seeking additional members to help with fundraising and future grant making. Residents interested in joining the fund council are encouraged to contact any of the current council members.

Ketsenburg shared, “If Ralls County has played a role in your life, why not pay it forward for future generations? The Ralls County Endowment Fund is our way of ensuring our communities remain wonderful places to live, work, and raise a family.”

The Ralls County Endowment Fund invites everyone to make a meaningful contribution of any amount to help achieve the $15,000 fundraising goal and receive the generous $15,000 matching gift.

Gifts to the Community Foundation for the Ralls County Endowment Fund are tax-deductible as allowed by law. The Community Foundation Serving West Central Illinois & Northeast Missouri, is a not-for-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status. 
To help grow the Ralls County Endowment Fund, click here to donate online. Gifts can also be mailed to the Community Foundation, noting they are for the Ralls County Endowment Fund.
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