Blog Post

Our mission at Horizons is to feed the poor and hungry in our community. We accomplish this mission not only with the food provided through our daily soup kitchen and free-choice pantry, we also offer the hope of a better life that is made real through a relationship with our Lord Jesus. He is the living water and true bread that nourishes our hearts and sustains our lives.

We see God at work every day at Horizons. We see Him in our work, in our prayers, in our friendships and partnerships, and in the lives and stories of all those who seek a safe place for food, encouragement, and relationship. We also see God in the generosity of his followers. Jesus gave himself to us, and in a way that was particularly meaningful to the most marginalized and underserved in the world. We believe that when we do the same, when we give, we are not only serving Christ himself, but that “good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into [our] lap.” (Luke 6:38)

Will Spear is a volunteer in the soup kitchen at Horizons Social Services and serves on the board of directors. His belief and passion for the mission and ministry of Horizons Social Services led him to start an Acorn Fund for Horizons and grow it to a fully endowed fund with the Community Foundation.

Will wanted to ensure that his donations would become a steady stream of income to Horizons and help secure the future of this ministry that feeds the hungry in the Quincy community. “The Community Foundation is a valuable partner and resource to a small social services organization like Horizons. With the Horizons Social Services Fund, we can contribute knowing that our donations are securing the future and will help feed and minister to the hungry in our community long after we are gone,” said Will.

To learn more about Horizons Social Services, visit its website:

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