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Fifty-one area not-for-profits received a record $118,554 in competitive grant funding from the Community Foundation Serving West Central Illinois & Northeast Missouri. A total of 58 grants, awarded from 41 endowment funds held at the Community Foundation, will support a wide range of local, charitable interests. The checks were awarded during a presentation at the Quincy Art Center in Quincy, IL.

The Community Foundation has made more than 3,500 grants totaling more than $5 million since 1999, providing local support for various programs and projects in the region.

“As we come to the end another summer season, we know that it will come again. And just like the perennial flowers that capture our eye, the vision and philanthropy of Community Foundation donors have made certain our community continues to bloom and grow,” said Philip Krupps, Community Foundation Board Chair. “We are honored to distribute more than $118,000 to causes that matter from people who truly care for their community. We ask you to continue to plant those perennial seeds in our community, and allow the Community Foundation to ensure our community grows.”

The Community Foundation annually accepts competitive grant applications from not-for-profit organizations in its 12-county region. A grant committee, comprised of volunteers and board members from the region, evaluates each application to determine awards. Grants are awarded for needs and opportunities in the areas of arts and culture, community betterment, education, health and human services.

Earnings from endowment funds make today’s grants possible. The funds include:

oUnrestricted Endowments, which enable the Community Foundation to make awards throughout the region,

oField of Interest Endowments, which have specific geographic or interest requirements,

oDonor Advised Endowments, which consider recommendations made by a fund’s advisor, and

oCounty Endowments, which benefit a specific county, advised by a council of county residents. Grants from County Endowment Funds will be presented at county-specific presentations.

The following funds supported the 2018 Competitive Grant program:

Unrestricted Endowment Funds , support grants for arts and culture, community betterment, education, health and human services in the Community Foundation’s 12-county service area:

  • Anonymous Funds (2)
  • Karl H. & Bobbi Bowles Family and Quincy Farm & Home Supply Company Fund
  • Dr. & Mrs. Merle F. Crossland Family Fund
  • Harry Channon Eaton Family Endowment Fund
  • Angie (Fusselman) Mayes & Evelyn J. Fusselman Fund
  • Harry J. & Bernice M. Wissman Heidbreder Fund
  • Kirk Family Fund – Houston, Carolyn & Carson
  • Mrs. Arthur O. Lindsay Fund
  • Robert A. & Anne M. Mays Fund
  • Robert G. and Melva Campbell Riley Fund
  • Charles A. & Nancy Scholz Charitable Fund
  • Margaret J. Sinnock Fund
  • Bette J. Starnes Endowment
  • Grant L. and K. Georgann Sturhahn Fund
  • Dorothy L. Swallow Fund
  • Community Endowment Fund
  • Carl, Althea & Cathy Wiskirchen Endowment

Field of Interest Funds, support grants for specific interest or geographic areas:

  • Blessing Hospital Community Health Fund
  • Katherine Broemmel Endowment for the Arts
  • Noma Meyers Eaton Fund
  • Paul H. & Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund
  • Grace United Methodist Church of Quincy Fund
  • HOMEBANK of Quincy Fund
  • Jane's Kids' Fund
  • G. Arthur (Art) Keller, Jr. Fund
  • William & Sheila Menke Endowment
  • Quincy Recycle Fund
  • James L. & Dorothy W. Rouner Fund
  • Alan L. Stiegemeier and Mary Ellen Stiegemeier Charitable Fund
  • United States Founding Fathers Fund

County Endowment Funds, support not-for-profit organizations in a specific county:

  • Brown County Endowment Fund (IL)
  • Hancock County Endowment Fund (IL)
  • Lewis County Endowment Fund (MO)
  • Marion County Endowment Fund (MO)
  • Pike County Endowment Fund (IL)

Donor Advised Funds, allow a fund advisor to suggest grant recipients:

  • Green-Humphrey Family Fund for Music
  • Betty Schmidt Endowment
  • Quincy Breakfast Optimist Club Friend of Youth Fund
  • Ty Rylander Fund

These are among the more than 175 funds that support arts and culture, community betterment, education, health or human services.

This year’s grant recipients include:

Action Brown County

Funding will provide general support to promote volunteerism in Brown County.

Alzheimer's Association Illinois Chapter

Funding will help increase education on Alzheimer’s care and support in the Quincy area through in-person programs.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Central Illinois

Funding will support one-on-one mentoring programs in Adams, Brown and Pike Counties, Illinois.

Bowling Green R-1 School District

Funds will be used to purchase social emotional wellness tools and sensory items to utilize in classrooms with children that have emotional and behavioral needs.

Catholic Charities

Funding will support the 2019 Mobile Food Pantry in rural Adams, Brown and Pike Counties.

CHART Teen Task Force

Funding will support safe sexuality education in northeast Missouri middle and high schools.

Cheerful Home Child Care & Early Learning Center

Funds will be used to replace carpet in the infants, toddlers, and twos classrooms.

The Child Center, Inc.

Funding will support school based body safety education programs in northeast Missouri schools.

Clover Road Christian Church

Funds will be used to purchase supplies for a meal packing service project, which will be delivered to area food banks.

Communities Taking Action Inc.

Funds will support a back-to-school event where students are supplied with items required by their teachers.

Community for Christ Assistance Center

Funds will be used to purchase supplies for the Back to School Fair, providing backpacks, school supplies, shoes, haircuts, immunizations and dental screenings for children of CUSD#3.

Cornerstone Foundations for Families

Funding will support the Comprehensive Youth Services program, providing mental health counseling and support services to youth age 18 and under with social, emotional and behavioral challenges.

Families and Communities Together (F.A.C.T.)

Funds will be used to purchase and safely install car seats to families in need.

The Food Bank for Central and Northeast Missouri

Funds will be used to purchase and distribute food at no cost to food pantries in Lewis, Marion and Shelby Counties, MO.

Good Samaritan Home of Quincy

Funding will be used to purchase lift chairs for Foose Center, a memory care neighborhood.

Great Rivers Council, BSA

Funds will provide financial assistance to scouts in need for registration fees, uniform costs, books and local activities fees.

Grow Knox County

Funds will assist Knox County communities with park funding and maintenance.

Hannibal Free Clinic, Inc.

Funds will be used to provide the Pneumovax 23 vaccine to low-income patients with diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma.

Hannibal-LaGrange University

Funding will support the GateKeeper program, providing one-on-one mentoring to at-risk fourth and fifth grade students.

Heartland Resources, Inc.

Funds will be used to purchase a freezer to store ingredients and meals that will be provided to Lewis County seniors in need.

The Heritage Seekers, Inc.

Funds will support the restoration of the historic Jailer’s Home at the Old Marion County Jail in Palmyra, MO.

Historical Society of Quincy and Adams County

Funds will be used to refurbish a cupola at Quincy’s History Museum as part of an effort to refurbish the sculpture garden.

Horizons Social Services

Funding will support operations of Horizon’s soup kitchen and food pantry.

Jackson Lincoln Swimming Complex

Funds will support general operations of the pool.

John Wood Community College Foundation

Funds will be used to purchase two accessible outdoor picnic tables for the Southeast Education Center in Pittsfield, IL.

Lewis County Fair

Funds will support the renovation of the Lewis County Fair youth building, which hosts year-round community events.

Lewis County Food Pantry

Funds will provide general support for the Lewis County Food Pantry, which assists 220 families each month with food.

Liberty Education Foundation

Funds will support the Liberty Kidzpack Program, providing nutritious foods for Liberty School students to bring home on weekends.

Make-A-Wish Illinois

Funds will support granting wishes of children in Adams, Brown, Hancock and/or Pike Counties, IL.

Mississippi Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America

Funds will be used to provide STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) experiences for local youth, and for the Positive Youth Development Program, assisting youth in overcoming education and career barriers.

Monroe City R-1 School District

Funding will support a 5-day Artist in Residence workshop with the Quincy Community Theatre for 4th grade students at Monroe City R-1 School District and Holy Rosary School.

Network Knowledge/WQEC-TV/PBS

Funds will be used to purchase a Ki Pro Ultra recorder and player to be used in the production of local programming, such as “Illinois Stories.”

North East Community Action Corporation

Funding will be used to purchase canning supplies for the Shelby County Show Me Community Canning Kitchens project.

Northeast Missouri Humane Society

Funding will support the Spay-Neuter Assistance Program, providing low-cost spay-neuter opportunities for income-eligible community members.

Pike County Connections

Funds will be used to purchase iPads to be used as teaching tools for persons on the autism spectrum.

Pike County Health Department/Pike County Dental Clinic

Funds will be used to upgrade aged dental operatory lighting, used while providing basic preventative and restorative oral health for low-income patients.

Project Community Connect

Funding will support a one-day, one-stop event for housing, support and quality life services for those who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless in Ralls and Marion Counties, MO.

Quincy Art Center

Funds will support youth education opportunities, including the smART Kids Program, outreach activities, low-income youth scholarship, tours and Hands On Connection.

Quincy Civic Music Association

Funds will provide free admission for students to attend five concerts by nationally and internationally recognized performers.

Quincy Hospitality House

Funding will help provide affordable, temporary lodging for those seeking medical care in the Quincy area.

The Quincy Museum

Funds will be used to support the operational expenses of The Quincy Museum.

Quincy Public Library

Funding will be used for the Little Read program, distributing free books to children in the community.

Quincy Symphony Orchestra Association

Funds will support youth music programs, including free in-school concerts, Youth Orchestra and Youth Choruses, and free admission to QSOA concerts for children.

Regional Office of Education

Funds will be used to purchase books for the Ready. Set. Grow! Program, which educates parents on the brain-building power of talking and reading with children.

Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ

Funds will help provide space and supplies to allow low- and no-income and homeless individuals to do laundry.

Salvation Army of Quincy

Funding will be used to purchase iPads and locks for after-school, senior, and education programs, and for the LEAP (Life Employment Assistance Program) in Hannibal, assisting income-eligible individuals improve their job situation.

St. John's Lutheran School & Preschool

Funds will be used to purchase computers and projectors for the school and K-2 reading program.

Two Rivers Resource Conservation & Development Area

Funds will be used for the Access Food program in which hunters can donate deer to be processed for free and donated to local food pantries.

United Way of the Mark Twain Area

Funding will help with the purchase of a copier.

Western Illinois Dream Factory

Funds will be used to grant dreams of critically and chronically ill children aged 3-18 in Adams, Brown, Hancock and/or Pike Counties, IL.

Western Illinois University Foundation

Funds will be used for the Great River Teacher Corps program, which recruits and develops talented teachers to serve in rural western Illinois schools.

This year, five County Endowment Funds participated in the Competitive Grant process. Fund councils in Brown, Hancock and Pike County, IL and Lewis and Marion County, MO reviewed applications from local, eligible organizations and made recommendations on grants to be awarded to best serve each county’s needs and opportunities. Grants from County Endowment Funds will be presented at County Endowment awards ceremonies in each county in August and September.

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